Capital Concierge On-Call, LLC
Providing the service you need.................................. when you need it!!

Andrea Irby Bozarth

Emily Williams with Capital Concierge On-Call did such a great job helping me as my broken foot healed. She assisted with driving me around to do grocery shopping, making bank runs, performing various other errands, hanging pictures and assisting with household projects that required two pair of hands and at least one good pair of feet. She made me feel, although temporarily disabled due to a broken foot, that I could still take care of my family.
In addition, because she offers a team of insured, bonded and licensed vendors in various areas, I plan to further use her services for the painting of my master bathroom and for the upholstering of a chair that is due for a makeover.
Because I find Emily to be professional and her skill set and services to be multifaceted especially in the areas of home decorating and managing large projects, I am very grateful for her help!!
Andrea Irby Bozarth
Raleigh, NC